
Server-side D3 for static chart/map generation via Node.js

Homepage on Desktop
Example choropleth using population data of France and topojson from Atlas-Make.


  • Performance: pre-rendering allows offloading data processing, and network overhead
  • Take advantage of the entire ecosystem: npmjs.com
  • Static rendering of Data-Driven Documents (D3.js)
  • Portable SVG with embedded stylesheets
  • Easily adapt examples from bl.ocks.org

Basic usage:


 var D3Node = require('d3-node')
 var d3 = D3Node.d3
 var d3n = new D3Node()    // create instance
 d3.select(d3n.document.body).append('span') // select <body> & insert span
 d3n.html() // returns: <html><head></head><body><span></span></body></html>

SVG creation

 var d3n = new D3Node()      // initializes D3 with container element
 d3n.createSVG().append('g') // create SVG w/ 'g' tag
 d3n.svgString() // output: <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g></g></svg>

Advanced usage

Setting container & insertion point via selector

 var options = { selector: '#chart', container: '<div id="container"><div id="chart"></div></div>' }
 var d3n = new D3Node(options) // initializes D3 with container element
 var d3 = d3n.d3
 d3.select(d3n.document.querySelector('#chart')).append('span') // insert span tag into #chart
 d3n.html()   // output: <html><body><div id="container"><div id="chart"><span></span></div></div></body></html>               

Inline SVG styles

 var d3n = new D3Node({styles:'.test {fill:#000;}'})

Output `html


See more D3-Node examples